Busy Bee Masthead

Role: UI & Visual Designer

Timeline: June 2020

Tools: Sketch, InVision


Life is busy, and sometimes we need a little help to keep it organized and manageable. Here comes Busy Bee, a comprehensive productivity app that allows users to accomplish their goals in a simple, convenient, and fun way.

The app features three key functionalities: to-do lists, event planning, and personalized labels/filters.


Busy Bee is a native mobile app that I developed for my UI Design certification. The project brief asked for a mobile user interface that is simple and engaging. With this in mind, I designed a clean and fun interface that invokes the feeling of happiness in users as they accomplish their goals.


Define Goals

After completing a competitive analysis of existing productivity apps to identify pain points, I used Jakob Nielsen's usability heuristics of efficiency, learnability, and satisfaction to develop key functionalities and UI patterns for my mobile app.

Ideate - Wireframes


Visual Design

Color Palette

Color Palette

I used a yellow monochromatic color scheme because it's a color associated with happiness and vitality — feelings that I wanted users to experience while accomplishing their goals.

Since yellow can also be associated as a warning color, I selected subtle shades of yellow that were not intrusive.

A secondary color grey palette was used to complement the yellow color palette. These neutral colors were primarily used as headers and body text.



I used Brandon Text, a rounded terminal sans-serif typeface, for its friendly and playful style. This also complemented perfectly with the Comfortaa font used for the Busy Bee logo.

Final Showcase

Splash Screen
Sign Up Screen
Home Screen
Add Checklist Screen
Add Event Screen
Calendar Screen
Mockups 1
Sign Up Screen
Busy Bee Masthead
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